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Tech Budget App

Budget App

This is an example of how rules can be used to do a multi table rollup (budget -> category -> month -> yr) - it also introduces the rule flag on sum and count (insert_parent=True). This allows the child to trigger the creation of the parent before doing the sum or count aggregation.


This will create the sample application to run - press f5 (no security)

$ApiLogicServer create --project_name=BudgetApp --db_url=BudgetApp

$cd BudgetApp
$code .

Data Model

The Budget table holds the monthly values by category, tenant_user, and date. This will rollup into Category, Month, and Yr. The Transactions table holds the actual values (one to many) so import from a CSV using the API will allow comparison with budget values. The database folder has the schema for both MySQL and SQLite.

Budget DataModel


Category DataModel


Multi Tenant and Security

The ability to filter users (tenant) to see only their own data is implemented in the The login user_id should match the tenant_user user_id.

     roles_not_filtered = ['sa'],
     filter="{entity_class}.user_id == Security.current_user().id")

Budget API

The api folder (api/ has user defined endpoints that can be used to insert budget and transaction amounts. This demonstrates how to customize and create new REST endpoints.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:5656/api/ServicesEndPoint/budget_insert' \
  -H 'accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "meta": {
    "method": "budget_insert",
    "args": {
      "year_id": 2023,
      "qtr_id": 1,
      "month_id": 1,
      "user_id": 1,
      "category_id": 1,
      "amount": 100,
      "description": "Budget  insert"

Actual Transactions API

The transactions are actual entries from different named accounts. The Budget table will sum and count these transactions. The API can be used to post these entries.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:5656/api/ServicesEndPoint/transaction_insert' \
  -H 'accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "meta": {
    "method": "transaction_insert",
    "args": {
      "budget_id": 1,
      "amount": 100,
      "category_id": 1,
      "description": "test transaction insert"

Declarative Logic

The rules are un-ordered bu represent the rollup (sums) of budget and actual transactions.

      use_parent_insert = True

    # Roll up budget amounts

    Rule.sum(derive=models.YrTotal.budget_total, as_sum_of=models.CategoryTotal.budget_total,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)
    Rule.sum(derive=models.CategoryTotal.budget_total, as_sum_of=models.Budget.amount,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)
    Rule.sum(derive=models.CategoryTotal.actual_amount, as_sum_of=models.Budget.actual_amount,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)
    Rule.sum(derive=models.MonthTotal.budget_total, as_sum_of=models.Budget.amount,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)
    Rule.sum(derive=models.Budget.actual_amount, as_sum_of=models.Transaction.amount,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)


    # Calculate variance from budget to actual
    Rule.formula(derive=models.Budget.variance_amount, as_expression=lambda row: row.actual_amount - row.amount)
    Rule.formula(derive=models.CategoryTotal.variance_amount, as_expression=lambda row: row.actual_amount - row.budget_total)
    Rule.formula(derive=models.MonthTotal.variance_amount, as_expression=lambda row: row.actual_amount - row.budget_total)
    Rule.formula(derive=models.YrTotal.variance_amount, as_expression=lambda row: row.actual_amount - row.budget_total)

    # Roll up actual transaction amounts into Budget

    Rule.sum(derive=models.YrTotal.actual_amount, as_sum_of=models.CategoryTotal.actual_amount,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)
    Rule.sum(derive=models.MonthTotal.actual_amount, as_sum_of=models.Budget.actual_amount,insert_parent=use_parent_insert)

    # Copy Budget (parent) values 


Logic Trace

As each budget entry is posted via API (/ServiceEndpoint/insert_budget) the logic trace shows how the rules are fired.

Rules Fired:        ##
  Budget        ##
    1. Derive Budget.is_expense as Copy(category.is_expense)        ##
    2. Derive Budget.variance_amount as Formula (1): Rule.formula(derive=models.Budget.variance_amount [...]        ##
  CategoryTotal     ##
    3. Derive CategoryTotal.budget_total as Sum(Budget.amount Where None, insert_parent)        ##
    4. Derive CategoryTotal.is_expense as Copy(category.is_expense)     ##
    5. Derive CategoryTotal.actual_amount as Sum(Budget.actual_amount Where None, insert_parent)        ##
    6. Derive CategoryTotal.variance_amount as Formula (1): Rule.formula(derive=models.CategoryTotal.variance [...]     ##
  MonthTotal        ##
    7. Derive MonthTotal.budget_total as Sum(Budget.amount Where None, insert_parent)       ##
    8. Derive MonthTotal.actual_amount as Sum(Budget.actual_amount Where None, insert_parent)       ##
    9. Derive MonthTotal.variance_amount as Formula (1): Rule.formula(derive=models.MonthTotal.variance_am [...]        ##
  YrTotal       ##
    10. Derive YrTotal.budget_total as Sum(CategoryTotal.budget_total Where None, insert_parent)        ##
    11. Derive YrTotal.variance_amount as Formula (1): Rule.formula(derive=models.YrTotal.variance_amoun [...]      ##
    12. Derive YrTotal.actual_amount as Sum(CategoryTotal.actual_amount Where None, insert_parent)      ##

Behave Testing

The behave test is run after starting the server (no security) - this will attempt to insert a budget and transaction and see if the YR_TOTAL values change. Run Behave Test (no security) and then review the behave.log See the directory test/api_logic_server_behave features/budget.features and steps/