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Modern IDEs are remarkably powerful and user-friendly. Many developers use them as an alternative the their OS finder/explorer.

As of release 10.03.66, you can use your IDE to create and customize API Logic Projects:

Start the API Logic Project Manager
als start


Created projects will show up here as directories. (You create projects anywhere, and move them; this is just the default).


Choose your IDE

The default IDE is VSCode. You can specify your favorite IDE, e.g.

Choose IDE
als start charm


Creating Projects: auto_open

By default, the Manager starts with an environment variable APILOGICSERVER_AUTO_OPEN. It's defaulted to code; you can set it:

export APILOGICSERVER_AUTO_OPEN=charm  # powershell:  $env:APILOGICSERVER_AUTO_OPEN="pycharm"

Pycharm Notes: your value may be charm or pycharm, depending on your installation. Also, on windows, the Manager terminal window is tied up when you create a project.

Or, use "" to disable auto_open.

You can set other environment variables here, e.g.

Set Environment Variables

Note: your venv is defaulted for VSCode. It must be configured in PyCharm.

Here's a useful link about environment variables.


Customizing Projects

If you want to customize/run the project, do so in another instance of VSCode. You may find it helpful to acquire this extension: Open Folder Context Menus for VS Code. It will enable you to open the project in another instance of VSCode.