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Connection Examples, Debug

💡 TL;DR - Project Creation: Identify Database (SQLAlchemy URI)

You create API Logic Projects with the CLI, providing the db_url parameter -- a SQLAlchemy URI.

  • See below for several examples

  • Or use the abbrevations to explore pre-supplied test databases - see here.

This page provides background on connecting, including database tools and debugging connections.



Recall the db_url parameter is a SQLAlchemy URI. To see some examples, see below, and use

ApiLogicServer examples

This produces a console log like:

  ApiLogicServer create
  ApiLogicServer create-and-run
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url=sqlite:////Users/val/dev/todo_example/todos.db --project_name=todo
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url=sqlite:///c:\ApiLogicServer\nw.sqlite --project_name=nw
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url=sqlite:///ai.sqlite --project_name=ai --open_with=code
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url=mysql+pymysql://root:p@mysql-container:3306/classicmodels --project_name=/localhost/docker_db_project
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url='mssql+pyodbc://sa:Posey3861@localhost:1433/NORTHWND?driver=ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server&trusted_connection=no&Encrypt=no'
  ApiLogicServer create --project_name=oracle_hr --db_url='oracle+oracledb://hr:tiger@localhost:1521/?service_name=ORCL'
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url=postgresql://postgres:p@
  ApiLogicServer create --project_name=my_schema --db_url=postgresql://postgres:p@localhost/my_schema
  ApiLogicServer create --db_url=postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres?options=-csearch_path%3Dmy_db_schema
  ApiLogicServer create --project_name=Chinook \ --port= \

Where --db_url is one of...
   <default>                     Sample DB                    -
   <db_url abbreviation>         Other Samples                -
   <SQLAlchemy Database URI>     Your own database            -
                                 Other URI examples:          -


Important notes:

  • tables without primary keys are not imported as classes, and do not appear in your API or Admin application


Verify Database Connectivity

Database connectivity can be... trying. We recommend, if possible, that you verify local machine operation before trying docker.

Before attempting the SQLAlchemy connectivity discussed here, it's a best practice to make sure your computer can connect to the database server. One possible approach is a command line utility called telnet.

First, ensure your machine has telnet installed. Consult the documentation for your OS type. Note that Windows 11 requires this command (use Powershell, and run as adminstrator):

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName TelnetClient

Then, you can issue a command such as:

telnet 3306  # where you subsitute IP address)
If you are prompted for your database password, you have established connectivity.


Explore SQLAlchemy

To facilitate exploring SQLAlchemy, each project contains a database/db_debug/

Alter it to explore SQLAlchemy features and IDE support, as illustrated in the sample project.


Oracle debug

For Oracle connections, ApiLogicServer create creates database/db_debug/ You can use this to explore Oracle connections.



You can use an existing sqlite database like this:

ApiLogicServer create --project_name=Allocation --db_url=sqlite:////Users/val/Desktop/database.sqlite

Other important notes:

  • As shown above, use the full path
  • So that such databases are included in your project, they are copied to the database folder, and renamed to db.sqlite'
  • The project URL in conf/ is made relative to this location (sqlite:///../database/db.sqlite). This keeps your projects portable, e.g., colleagues can pull your project from GitHub and run.


CLI Installation

The sqlite runtime is installed with API Logic Server. You might, however, wish to install the command line tools (CLI).

These are typically already installed on Mac computers.

For windows, download and unzip this file:

sqlite download

And copy the 3 exe files to a place where they can be run, such as ~/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:

sqlite installation


Northwind - sqlite (default sample)

See Sample Database.

This is a sqlite database, packaged with API Logic Server, so you can explore without any installs. It is obtained from Northwind, and altered to include several columns to demonstrate rules.

Run under API Logic Server docker:

ApiLogicServer run --project_name=/localhost/docker_project

Chinook - Albums and Artists

Designate this as follows: --db_url={install}/Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite, e.g.:



SQLite Database Abbreviations

To make experimenting easier, you can specify a db_url shortcut.


Docker Databases

See Docker Test Databases.


Managing Database in your IDE

Various IDEs provide tools for managing databases.



dbvis is a very popular tool, with support for exporting tables and data.

For local connections, consider resetting trustServerCertificate:




You can find it here.


docker run --name adminer --link some_database:db -p 8080:8080 --net dev-network adminer

Then you can hit http://localhost:8080 or http://host-ip:8080 in your browser:

Customize in your IDE

You will need to install plug-ins for sqlite3, to address logging in without a password


PyCharm Database Tools

Pycharm provides excellent database tools, as shown below:



VSCode Database Tools

I also use SQLTools. To use it, you must first install drivers:


You may want to install extensions for MySQL and Postgres.

Then, you can explore the sample:



Docker pgadmin

See discussion above.


Azure Data Studio

See discussion above.



PythonAnyWhere provides the ability to create and connect to databases. For example, create a project like this from within PythonAnyWhere:

Create database for mysql/Chinook
  ApiLogicServer create --project_name=Chinook \ --port= \
