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Authentication Provider

Authentication Providers are developer-supplied code, called by the system during login. It is passed the id/password, and returns a user row and list of roles.

The underlying presumptions:

  1. Multiple systems will share the same authentication data, so this data will be separate from each application

  2. Organizations will utilize a wide variety of techniques to maintain authorization data (databases, LDAP, AD etc), so an open "interface" approach is required.



To ensure that Authentication-Providers implement the api expected by the system, you should inherit from this class.


Configure Authentication Provider

You select the authentication_provider in conf/

    from security.authentication_provider.sql.auth_provider import Authentication_Provider
    SECURITY_PROVIDER = Authentication_Provider

You can define new authentication providers, e.g. for Active Directory, LDAP, etc.


Memory Auth Provider

Provided for quick prototyping.


sqlite Auth Provider

This provided to demonstrate a typical sql-based Authentication-Provider.


Authentication DB

Note this uses Multi-DB Support.

The database file is security/authentication_provider/sql/authentication_db.sqlite. This database includes:

  • Users
  • Roles (Role and UserRole)
  • User.client_id, to test multi-tenant (the test user is aneu).
