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Internal Dev Procedures

This page does not address created projects, rather, it is about the API Logic Server system used to create projects. It is for those who want to extend the product or understand how it works, not for those simply using the product.

How to Install it

Follow these steps to:

  1. Obtain the software from GitHub
  2. Open the dev workspace in your IDE
  3. Create the "initial 'venv'"
  4. Perform critical "Smoke Test" to ensure system operation

Obtain the projects from GitHub

To create the projects:

  1. Create an empty folder (e.g., ~/dev/ApiLogicServer)
  2. Optionally, install the product there (creating a venv)
    • You can use this venv as a shared venv for testing
  3. Download and run the install-ApiLogicServer-dev procedure
    • Note: Windows users use install-ApiLogicServer-dev.ps1)
  4. Run the installer,, e.g.:
Install API Logic Server Development environment
cd ~/dev/ApiLogicServer/                     # project directories created here
sh vscode

This will use git clone to create folders in ~/dev/ApiLogicServer/ApiLogicServer-dev/org/:

dev structure


Admin App Source

This section is only if you did not load from the script. You need to obtain the build of safrs react admin.

It's basically straightforward, though note the cp command which copies the safrs-react-admin runtime to API Logic Server for subsequent creation of API Logic Projects:

echo "\ncopying build (sra - safrs-react-admin) --> ApiLogicServer"
cp -r ../build api_logic_server_cli/create_from_model/safrs-react-admin-npm-build

For more information, see Admin App Reuse.

Note: curl must be installed for this procedure.


Determine your IDE

API Logic Server has been developed with both VSCode and PyCharm. While in many cases we prefer PyCharm, we have gravitated to VSCode since it supports an "initial venv".

This means that for the many test projects, there is no need to create a per-project venv. This speeds unit testing considerably.

Importantly, this relies on the Build and Test procedure to create the "initial venv".

You will find that the VSCode install has a large number of Run Configs for these test projects. In general, the created project can be run immediately in another window of VSCode, using the "initial venv".


Open the dev workspace

install-ApiLogicServer... will create a project workspace (~/dev/ApiLogicServer/ApiLogicServer-dev/org_git/ApiLogicServer-src/.vscode/ApiLogicServerDev.code-workspace), and open it VS Code or PyCharm.

open the dev project
cd ~/dev/ApiLogicServer/ApiLogicServer-dev/org_git/ApiLogicServer-src/.vscode
code ApiLogicServerDev.code-workspace

Python requires a virtual environment; the procedure differs for vscode vs. charm:

  • vscode projects are created with a venv and are ready to run the Launch Configurations to create the sample
  • charm projects require that you create the venv with the PyCharm

It should look something like this:

dev structure


Create the BLT venv

It is tiresome to create a venv for each project. So, the system creates projects with a VSCode property identifying the venv.

  • In actual practice, this is the manager's venv.

  • For the dev environment, it is calculated to the venv of the BLT:

    • Note: the dev env BLT is not valid here, since it does not contain the CLI (which is needed for projects)


  1. So, your first task is to run the BLT. It is simplest to run it without testing, just to create the venv (and verify your installation).

    • Execute the 2nd Run Config (BLT - Hold the Tomato) to create the venv used for created projects, such as the Sample (see next section):

BLT Hold Tomato

  1. Verify you have a venv at as shown above at:


Setup Required

If this fails, a common error is that sra is not installed at api_logic_server_cli/create_from_model/safrs-react-admin-npm-build. This can happen if the install procedure was not followed, or failed.

Obtain the sra build folder, and copy it to the location above.


Critical "Smoke Test"

This is the "smoke test" of API Logic Server. In general, this should be successful prior to pushing changes.


Create the Sample

Once in your IDE, you can run the pre-defined launch configuration 2 - Create servers/ApiLogicProject (new IDE) to create and run the sample. This creates ~/dev/servers/ApiLogicProject.



Run the Sample

Open it in another window of VSCode and ensure it runs.

  1. Run the admin app, and
  2. Use the documented procedures to add customizations for APIs, Logic and Security.


Run Behave Tests

A critical test is the Behave Test. It tests a dozen or so transactions, exercising the API and Logic.

  1. Use the Run Config in the created project: Behave Run.

Ongoing dev

Follow these procesures to introduce changes, test them, and perform releases.


Introduce enhancements, test

Note the Run Configurations below:

dev structure

Consider using Run Config #1 to create project inside your current IDE instance. Note:

  • You can use the debugger (inside the IDE dev instance) to debug the altered project

  • The created/altered project is git-ignored, so is not part of any branch

  • Note you can create 2 projects, eg, to test base vs. dev

You can then use Run Config #2 to test it in a new project / ide instance.

  1. Run the behave tests to ensure existing functionality is not broken


Update CLI creation

Update api_logic_server_cli/project_prototype (and probably api_logic_server_cli/project_prototype_nw) for enchanced creation


Build and Test

This is a VSCode Run Configuration used for final pre-release testing. It builds the project, installs, it, and runs several dozen tests.

  1. Update the version number first in api_logic_server_cli/

💡 venv can be used for projects

You will be using this as a shared venv.

For more information, see here.



Build and Test should run on Macs, Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows 11. Once these are successful, release as follows:

  1. At the root of ApiLogicServer-src, with no venv
  2. Run
    python3 sdist bdist_wheel
    python3 -m twine upload  --skip-existing dist/* 

This will upload to Pypi. You of course need credentials.

  1. Delete the build folders: ApiLogicServer.egg-info, build, dist
  2. Open docker/api_logic_server.Dockerfile
  3. Update the build number (line 4: --tag apilogicserver/api_logic_server:10.03.16)
  4. Copy/paste/run the instructions at the top:
    # docker buildx build --push -f docker/api_logic_server.Dockerfile --tag apilogicserver/api_logic_server:10.03.16 -o type=image --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 .
    # docker buildx build --push -f docker/api_logic_server.Dockerfile --tag apilogicserver/api_logic_server:latest -o type=image --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 .


Get Docs working

The install procedure also installs Org-ApiLogicServer/Docs. Follow it's readme.


Testing Packages

In some cases, you may wish to test using experimental version of underlying packages, such as safrs or logicbank. You can add multiple paths to Python Path like this:

1. Edit ApiLogicServer/.vscode/settings.json to identify the desired packages, e.g.:

        { "PYTHONPATH": "/Users/val/dev/safrs" }

If yu have more than one, separate them with colons.

2. With the ApiLogicServer venv active, pip uninstall the packages you want to test

3. Exit the ApiLogicServer workspace, and restart VSCode on the ApiLogicServer folder (not workspace)

4. Use the Run Configs to create/test the app, e.g., 2 - Debug ApiLogicProject

Note: you will need to perform a similar process if you want an installed local version of ApiLogicServer using the tests/build_and_test procedure.

This procedure sometimes fails. You can also try adding your package to the `env' in the Run Config:

            "name": "No Security ApiLogicServer (e.g., simpler swagger)",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "",
            "redirectOutput": true,
            "env": {"PYTHONPATH": "/Users/val/dev/safrs", "SECURITY_ENABLED": "False", "PYTHONHASHSEED": "0", "OPT_LOCKING": "optional", "verbose": "True"},
            "justMyCode": false,
            "args": ["--flask_host=localhost", "--port=5656", "--swagger_host=localhost", "--verbose=False"],
            "console": "internalConsole",
            "internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart"

Simpler for LogicBank: local install

It's easy to create a local install for LogicBank. First, you need to install the source:

cd ~/dev
git clone

Then, build it and add to the ApiLogicServer venv:

1. Create Logic Bank installer on your hard drive

python3 sdist bdist_wheel

2. With the ApiLogicServer venv active, pip uninstall LogicBank

3. With the ApiLogicServer venv active, python3 -m pip install ~/dev/LogicBank


Develop / Debug admin app

Once you have created the API Logic Project, you can restart the server like this (it is not necessary to recreate the sample each time you run):

Start API Logic Project
cd ~/dev/servers/ApiLogicProject

You can obtain an editable version of the admin app like this:

Get Data Provider
cd ~/dev/safrs-react-admin
git clone # modified data provider used, installed in the project root

Then, to debug (with server running):

Execute debug version of admin app
npm install --global yarn # required only once
yarn install
yarn run build

yarn start

To make this the runtime used to create API Logic Projects:

Update ApiLogicServer to use your admin app
cp -a /build/. ../ApiLogicServer/api_logic_server_cli/create_from_model/admin/


Docker Setup


Docker Startup

You can review the dockerfile on github. Note that the normal operation is to start a terminal session as the last step:

CMD ["bash"]

When bash sessions are started, Linux runs .bashrc. This checks for environment variables which can be used to load an existing project from git, and run it. (Note: this defeats the normal terminal startup). For example, start Docker using -e arguments, like this:

docker run -it --name api_logic_server --rm --net dev-network \
-p 5656:5656 -p 5002:5002 -v ${PWD}:/localhost \
-e APILOGICSERVER_FIXUP='/localhost/' \

Alternatively, you can start Docker specifying an initial command, like this:

docker run -it --name api_logic_server --rm --net dev-network \
-p 5656:5656 -p 5002:5002 -v ${PWD}:/localhost \
apilogicserver/api_logic_server \
sh /home/api_logic_server/bin/ /localhost/

In both cases, the git load is performed by bin/, which you can explore on github.


SQL Server testing with VSCode

While Sql/Server itself runs nicely under docker, there is considerable complexity in installing OCBC, regarding pyodbc:

pyodbc is not pip-installed by default, since installs fail unless odbc is installed, which is complex and might not be needed

For users

For users requiring pyodbc (SqlServer), there are 2 installs:


For ApiLogicServer-dev

ApiLogicServer-dev requirements.txt does not install odbc. If you wish to test Sql/Server in ApiLogicServer-dev, follow the user setup instructions above.


Multi-arch Docker images

Docker creation provides the opportunity to pre-install odbc and simplify life for Sql/Server users. This procedure was used to create apilogicserver/api_logic_server, providing an image that supports odbc, and supports devcontainers for both arm and amd.

# GA release
# docker buildx build --push -f docker/api_logic_server_all.Dockerfile --tag apilogicserver/api_logic_server_all:9.01.17 -o type=image --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 .

# Beta - test codespaces with tutorial, API_Fiddle (change .devcontainer.json -> apilogicserver/api_logic_server_all_x)
# docker buildx build --push -f docker/api_logic_server_all.Dockerfile --tag apilogicserver/api_logic_server_all_x:9.01.17 -o type=image --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 .

# Internal - verify what is done with build_and_test
# docker build -f docker/api_logic_server_all.Dockerfile -t apilogicserver/api_logic_server_local --rm .


Pre-push testing

In our (internal) case, we needed to build multi-arch images, but note the buildx command combines build and push in single procedure. This prevents local testing prior to push. That is why we use the "Internal" docker build, as shown above.


VSC Bug - Run Configs

VSCode has a bug where it cannot parse Run Configs for SqlSvr:

zsh: no matches found: --db_url=mssql+pyodbc://sa:Posey3861@localhost:1433/NORTHWND?driver=ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server&trusted_connection=no&Encrypt=no


Behave Reports

The doc file is derived from using the behave tests from nw+ (run the test, then create the report).

The report is copied into:

  1. `api_logic_server_cli/prototypes/base/test/api_logic_server_behave/reports/Behave Logic Report'
  2. -- a. Edit the report and remove the path information at the end b. Paste the report into over the old contents.



There are several important testing configurations.


1. ApiLogicServer-dev

To get around the VSC bug, hacks were made to the Run Configs, and the CLI, as described below.

The run config has entries like this:

            "name": "SQL Server nw (bypass vsc bug)",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/api_logic_server_cli",
            "program": "",
            "redirectOutput": true,
            "argsExpansion": "none",
            "args": ["create",
            "console": "integratedTerminal"

The CLI detects db_url's like sqlsvr-nw, and converts them to strings like this for Database Connectivity > Docker Databases:

    elif project.db_url == 'sqlsvr-nw':  # work-around - VSCode run config arg parsing
        rtn_abs_db_url = 'mssql+pyodbc://sa:Posey3861@localhost:1433/NORTHWND?driver=ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server&trusted_connection=no&Encrypt=no'
    elif project.db_url == 'sqlsvr-nw-docker':  # work-around - VSCode run config arg parsing
        rtn_abs_db_url = 'mssql+pyodbc://sa:Posey3861@HOST_IP:1433/NORTHWND?driver=ODBC+Driver+17+for+SQL+Server&trusted_connection=no'
        host_ip = ""  # ApiLogicServer create  --project_name=/localhost/sqlsvr-nw-docker --db_url=sqlsvr-nw-docker
        if os.getenv('HOST_IP'):
            host_ip = os.getenv('HOST_IP')  # type: ignore # type: str
        rtn_abs_db_url = rtn_abs_db_url.replace("HOST_IP", host_ip)
    elif project.db_url == 'sqlsvr-nw-docker-arm':  # work-around - VSCode run config arg parsing
        rtn_abs_db_url = 'mssql+pyodbc://sa:Posey3861@'
        host_ip = ""  # ApiLogicServer create  --project_name=/localhost/sqlsvr-nw-docker --db_url=sqlsvr-nw-docker-arm
        if os.getenv('HOST_IP'):
            host_ip = os.getenv('HOST_IP')  # type: ignore # type: str
        rtn_abs_db_url = rtn_abs_db_url.replace("HOST_IP", host_ip)

So, on ApiLogicServer-dev:

  1. Verify your machine has odbc 18 (using brew which)
  2. Use Run Config: SQL Server nw (bypass vsc bug)


2. Local pip install

Note: since the docker image is odbc17, the following commands fail in docker, but run in pip install when you've installed odbc18:

ApiLogicServer create --project_name=sqlsvr-nw --db_url=sqlsvr-nw


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