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PyCon23 Talk

Talk Guidelines




Creating Web Applications Instantly with API Logic Server - create with one command, customize in your IDE


This Talk introduces a meaningfully faster and simpler approach for building database web apps.



In this talk:

  • You'll see a complete, multi-table database web app - built, run, customized in VSCode
    • You'll be able to use it tomorrow on your organizations databases
  • You'll see several popular technologies in use (listed below)
    • You can explore these - running code, in a working project


What is API Logic Server?

API Logic Server is an open source Python system for creating customizable database web app projects from a database:

  • API: endpoint for each table - filtering, sorting, pagination and related data access

  • Admin UI: multi-page / multi-table apps, with page navigations, automatic joins and declarative hide/show

Projects are Customizable - use VSCode for edit/debug

Declare spreadsheet-like rules for multi-table derivations and constraints, customizable with Python 🏆


This tutorial introduces other technologies you perhaps wanted to explore, with running code:

Technology Used For
Python Customization
SQLAlchemy ORM database access
Flask Web Framework
Codespaces Cloud-based Dev Container
APIs Networked database access
Docker Isolated Containers
React-Admin Simplified React UI framework
Declarative What not how



This tutorial is for developers interested in database systems, and the technologies above. Required background:

  • Basic programming: if/else, parameterized function calls, row.column object access, and basic event oriented programming. Python experience is not required.

  • Some database: aware of tables, columns and foreign keys.



This will be 75% live demo, with slides for context and background:

  • Introduction (5 min) - why the project was created

  • Create Codespace (5) - create Codespace, access in Browser

  • Create API Logic Project (5) - use CLI to create project from pre-supplied database

  • Explore Project (10) - explore the created UI, exercise the API in Swagger

  • Customize Project (10) - use VSCode (in Browser) to add an API Endpoint and debug it, hide/show UI fields

  • Declarative Rules (10) - use VSCode to declare spreadsheet like rules, and test/debug

  • Wrap (15) - final remarks, questions, other topics to explore (testing, schema migration)

Yes, a lot to cover, but automation makes it possible. Even easy.



An internet connection, though I can demo locally if that becomes a problem.