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Getting Started with Security

💡 TL;DR - Explore Samples to Learn About Security

Security can be complicated.

We recommend exploring the security examples below.


Typical Process - Your Projects

We recommend starting with the pre-configured Northwind database, described in the next section. Use this to explore grants, configuration, etc.

For your own projects, consider introducing security gradually:

  1. Create your project without security

    • Verify connectivity, API operation, Admin App operation, etc.
  2. Activate sqlite Security

    • Start with sqlite, and build your Grant declarations
  3. Upgrade to sql or keycloak

    • With some basic examples working, introduce sql or keycloak authorization


Northwind Sqlite Sample

Security is automatically enabled when building the sample app, with customizations:

Create a sample project to Explore Security
ApiLogicServer create --project_name=nw_sample --db_url=nw+

To explore the Grants in security/ - click here.

You can test it via the Admin App, or via Swagger. See the Verify section, below.

Or, to see the process from scratch:

  1. Create the sample application without customizations: click here
  2. Then, as shown in that link, add customizations and security

In either case, you will have a project using the default sqlite security, including Grants and test data.



After configuring, you should now be able to run the admin app:

  1. login as s1/p -- note the login screen indicates whether or not you are using keycloak (kcals):


  1. Verify there is only 1 customer

  2. Logout and login as admin/p, and there should be more customers


Experiment with auth dbs

Depending on your ultimate objectives, explore alternative auth databases:

AuthDB Try Test
sql (default sqlite) Pre-configured from creation, above See Verify, above
sql (Postgress example) Postgres Northwind with Docker Basic retrieval
Keycloak (preconfigured) Keycloak - hardened See Verify
Keycloak (local using Docker) Keycloak - local using Docker See Verify


Using your own authdb

In most cases, you will create your own authdb:

  1. To use the same kind of DBMS you are using for your data

  2. To introduce additional properties for use in Grants -- see the first section below


sql authdb Resources

The following resources are available to help you create sql authdb.

Pre-created authdb scripts

Your project contains some example sql to create the auth db:

create auth db

Prior release 08.00.05, those files were not created in new projects. For earlier versions, create these files in devops/docker with this Dockerfile.


Pre-created in Docker DBs

A sample security database is pre-created in the MySQL and Postgres Sample Docker Databases.




Postgres Docker northwind

This example uses the Postgres docker database noted above:

docker network create dev-network  # only required once

docker run -d --name postgresql-container --net dev-network -p 5432:5432 -e PGDATA=/pgdata -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=p apilogicserver/postgres:latest

ApiLogicServer create --project_name=postgres-nw --db_url=postgresql://postgres:p@localhost/postgres

cd postgres-nw
ApiLogicServer add-auth --db_url=postgresql://postgres:p@localhost/authdb

Let's review how this database was created.

1. Create the Postgres NW database

You can find the creation information here:


After using the Postgres CLI to create the database, verify it exists:



MySQL docker classicmodels

As noted above, you can use the docker databases as shown below.

docker network create dev-network  # only required once

docker run --name mysql-container --net dev-network -p 3306:3306 -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=p apilogicserver/mysql8.0:latest

ApiLogicServer create --project_name=classicmodels  --db_url=classicmodels

cd classicmodels
ApiLogicServer add-auth --db_url=mysql+pymysql://root:p@localhost:3306/authdb