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Express Install

In most cases, Python and Python Projects are simple and fast to install, as described below. If you encounter issues, open the Detailed Install.

Follow these instructions to:

  1. Install API Logic Server
  2. Create the sample Tutorial API Logic Server Project
  3. Open it in your IDE
  4. Prepare the projects' Python environment

Create an install directory

You can create this anywhere, such as your home folder or Desktop.

Create an install directory
mkdir ApiLogicServer      # a directory of projects on your local machine

Use Local Install, or Docker

You can install API Logic Server locally using pip, or use Docker. If you already have docker, it can eliminate many of the sometimes-tricky Python install issues.

Open the appropriate section below.

Verify Pre-reqs: Python 3.10+

Ensure you have these pre-reqs:

Verify 3.10 - 3.12
python --version  # on macs, you may need to use Python3

Note: Python 3.12 is supported as of release 10.3.45.

If you need to install Python (it can be tricky), see these notes.


Install API Logic Server in a Virtual Environment

Then, install API Logic Server in the usual manner (typically you create/cd to a new directory, e.g., ApiLogicServer):

Install API Logic Server in a Virtual Environment
python -m venv venv                  # may require python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate             # windows: venv\Scripts\activate
python -m pip install ApiLogicServer


  1. Windows users will need to run the terminal in Admin mode, with scripts enabled
  2. If you are using SqlServer, you also need to install pyodbc
  3. If you are using VSCode, we strongly recommend you create the VSCode CLI.


Start the ApiLogicServer manager

Start Manager
ApiLogicServer start

This will open your IDE and install the samples and Tutorial; open the readme and follow the directions to create projects.


Create the Sample Project

Create Tutorial
ApiLogicServer create --project_name=  --db_url=

This project provides a Tutorial to walk you through key aspects of API Logic Server. For more information, click here.


Open the Project in VSCode

You have 2 choices:

  • Accept the default shared venv (recommended); follow this procedure, or
  • Create a venv local to the project
    1. Open Folder ApiLogicServer/ApiLogicProject in VSCode
      • Decline options for Containers
    2. Establish your Virtual Environment - open Terminal > New Terminal, and
Install API Logic Server in a Virtual Environment
python -m venv venv                  # may require python3 -m venv venv
venv\Scripts\activate                # mac/linux: source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt  # accept "new Virtual environment"


Or, run the project directly

Run the Project from the Command Line
cd ApiLogicProject
python ApiLogicProject/                  # run the server

Start Docker

Start (might install) API Logic Server Docker
  > docker run -it --name api_logic_server --rm -p 5656:5656 -p 5002:5002 -v ${PWD}:/localhost apilogicserver/api_logic_server
  $ # you are now active in the API Logic Server docker container to create projects

Mac ARM: if you have an M1 or M2 Mac, change the last parameter to apilogicserver/api_logic_server_arm

Windows: use Powershell (PWD is not supported in Command Line)


Create the Tutorial Project

You are now running a terminal window in the Docker machine. Create the Tutorial project:

Create Tutorial
$ cd /localhost/             # a directory on your local file system in which...
$ ApiLogicServer tutorial    # tutorial directory will be created
$ exit                       # return to local host 


Or, Create a Typical Project

Typical project creation identifies the database and target project name:

Create Typical project
$ cd /localhost/             # a directory on your local file system for project creation
$ ApiLogicServer create-and-run --project_name=ApiLogicProject --db_url=
$ exit                       # return to local host 


Open the created Project in VSCode

Once the project is created, open it in VSCode on your local host:

  1. Open Folder ApiLogicServer/tutorial in VSCode
    • Accept option to "Reopen in Container"

      If you already skipped this option, no worries. Use View > Command Palette > Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container


Next Steps - Tutorial

You're all set - the Sample is created, installed and ready to run. Open the readme for a walk-through.