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Fixup - missing attributes

💡 TL;DR - Fixup Missing Attributes

When adding rules, such as using suggestions, you may introduce new attributes. If these are missing, you will see exceptions when you start your project.

The genai-utils fixes such project issues by updating the Data Model and Test Data:

  1. Collects the latest model, rules, and test data from the project.
  2. Calls ChatGPT (or similar) to resolve missing columns or data in the project.
  3. Saves the fixup request/response under a docs/fixup folder.
  4. You then use this to create a new project

Using Fixup


After starting the Manager:

0. Create Project Requiring Fixup
# 0. Create a project requiring fixup
als genai --using=genai_demo.prompt --repaired-response=system/genai/examples/genai_demo/genai_demo_fixup_required.json --project-name=genai_demo_fixup_required

If you run this project, you will observe that it fails with:

Logic Bank Activation Error -- see
Invalid Rules:  [AttributeError("type object 'Customer' has no attribute 'balance'")]
Missing Attrs (try als genai-utils --fixup): ['Customer.balance: constraint']


To Fix it:

1. Run FixUp to add missing attributes to the fixup response data model
# 1. Run FixUp to add missing attributes to the data model
cd genai_demo_fixup_required
als genai-utils --fixup

Finally, rebuild the project:

2. Rebuild the project from the fixup response data model
# 2. Rebuild the project from the fixup response data model
cd ../
als genai --using=genai_demo.prompt --repaired-response=genai_demo_fixup_required/docs/fixup/response_fixup.json

Fixup does not update your ui/admin/admin.yaml; you can update it manually.